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Car rental Boise airport

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Cheap Car Rental Boise airport

Cheap Car Rental Boise airport

Discover flexible rentals in Boise airport

At HolidayCars.com, we compare all rental cars of the highest quality. Whether you need a small car, family car or luxury SUV—or something more extravagant and sporty—we’ll provide the vehicle most appropriate to your needs from our list of reputable rental companies.

Rent a car at Boise airport

If you’re looking to book a car for the best available price at Boise airport, you’ve come to the right place. HolidayCars.com always shows the best prices for all rental cars available here. Don't wait too long before you book your holiday car. Prices will go up as the pickup date gets closer.

Car rentals without hidden costs

The prices of car rental in your search results of Boise airport are exactly what you pay for renting the car. There won't be any hidden costs like credit card fees or reservation costs afterwards. In addition, you can always amend your reservation for free until 48 hours before picking up the rental car.

Driving a rental car in Boise airport

Be aware that traffic rules at Boise airport can be very different than at home. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the local rules to avoid getting fined. Signage, parking and driving style are factors that could cause some confusion when you rent a car at Boise airport.

Search flexible car rentals in Boise airport

From traditional car rentals to daily, monthly and long term car hire, we offer a wide range of different car hire services that guarantee the best value for money and the widest choice of vehicle types.

Need a rental car for your trip to Boise airport?

HolidayCars.com is a leading online booking platform for rental car and car hire with cheap rates on economy cars, convertibles, SUVs, minivans, sports cars, limousines and luxury vehicles worldwide.

Short term car rental in Boise airport

We offer a wide range of short term car rentals at some of the best prices available, which means you can get amazing savings when you book with us.

Tips and experiences for Boise airport

Our customers rated Boise airport with an average of 9.7 based on 6 ratings, and these are the most recent tips, experiences and highlights.

Coming from NC we really enjoyed the low humidity of the Boise area. If you're in town when the State Fair is gong on, I would highly recommend it. A visit to the Capitol is a must. There are a variety of good restaurants at which to eat, at reasonable prices. There are lots of hiking trails around the city for great exercise. Can't say anything about hotels, since we stayed with friends, but there were many available at various price points. Enjoy your visit, we certainly did.
If 2 of you are traveling send one to get the bags and the other one to pick up the car saves so much time.
The car rental is super easy to find and quite spacious. It is on the way to the luggage pick, so easy to find. After you pick up the keys and finish check in, the car parking lot is easy to find as well. Exiting the rental car area is a little tricky, but following the sigs will quickly get you to the highway. Rent with any of the major car rental companies. All major companies are at the airport. Additionally, it is easy to take you luggage directly directly to your rental. The Boise airport makes renting a car pretty easy.
The Boise airport is very small and uncrowded, with views of the foothills and mountains as you exit. After deplaning, by the time I walked down to the baggage carousel my bag was already there. Then, there was not a single person in line at Dollar so I walked directly up to the counter. By the time my girlfriend had exited the bathroom, I already had our bags and the keys to our car! If you are going to spend time in Boise, definitely take a day or two to head up to the mountains, either toward Idaho City or McCall to truly appreciate all that Idaho has to offer.
Boise is such a beautiful city! The winter lights are up already, making Downtown sparkle. I highly recommend the Wintry Market, which happens just one weekend a year, but is full of local crafters with their beautiful wares. The Saturday Farmers Market is also excellent. Local vendors, bakers, farmers, and so much more! There is a lot to see, taste, and buy - something for everyone. Check out all of the small shops and restaurants downtown; there's an incredible variety. Many of the shops and restaurants support local vendors and businesses, and a lot of the restaurants are farm-to-table.
Go by Yellowstone to Montana, very pretty!