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Car rental Casablanca airport

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Popular destinations: Casablanca, Marrakech, Tangier, Oujda, Fez, Rabat, Agadir, Essaouira
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Cheap Car Rental Casablanca airport

Cheap Car Rental Casablanca airport

Discover flexible rentals in Casablanca airport

At HolidayCars.com, we compare all rental cars of the highest quality. Whether you need a small car, family car or luxury SUV—or something more extravagant and sporty—we’ll provide the vehicle most appropriate to your needs from our list of reputable rental companies.

Enjoy low prices for car rental in Casablanca airport

At HolidayCars.com we bring together thousands of car rental companies and hundreds of thousands of cars to make it easy to find the right car at the best price in just a few clicks.

No fees, free amendment for car rentals in Casablanca airport

After you have made your booking, it's always possible to change your booking for free up to 48 hours before you pick up your rental car. When booking a car rental on our website, no additional reservation costs will be charged, nor any credit card fees. So what you see is what you get!

Enjoy a road trip from Casablanca airport

Casablanca airport is a good starting point for a road trip. From here it's easy to get to the hotspots in the area. Driving a car is the perfect way to see the most of the highlights in a set amount of time. When you hire a car, you’ll get complete freedom of where and when you want to go.

Rent a car that you're familiar with

One final piece of advice before you search for a car in Casablanca airport: we always recommend you book a rental car that is similar to the one you drive at home. This way, you know how the car reacts in certain situations. Now go and look for your best car rental deal at Casablanca airport!

Tips for driving in Casablanca airport

We’re the easiest way to book a car with great rates and up-to-date information on road conditions, tolls, and more. Car rental at HolidayCars.com is quick, easy and fun!

Best value car rental offers for Casablanca airport

We'll show you which suppliers offer great rates, convenient locations and local customer support at airports, train and bus stations throughout the world.

Tips and experiences for Casablanca airport

Our customers rated Casablanca airport with an average of 8.1 based on 8 ratings, and these are the most recent tips, experiences and highlights.

Go to Essaouira and Azemmour Ouarzazate Marrakech and Agadir.
Do drive like a local - we found the drivers in Morocco courteous and friendly. Do tip the parking guys they will look after your car and make parking anywhere easier than most locations.
Its was a good experience ,the car rental agency were very helpful ,the car was ready by the time I reached the airport ,also for drop off one of the staff was waiting at the airport parking to take the car ,very convenient ,I highly recommend this agency ...m
Good experience, you cannot enter the airport if you don't have a valid boarding pass.
If you’re not renting a car I’d recommend taking the train into town. The airport is almost an hour drive from the city centre. The train will cost 43 dirham meanwhile taking a grand taxi will cost at least 200 dirham but they will probably ask for more if you’re a foreigner. If you rent a car like I did I’d be very alert driving in the city it’s probably a lot different driving than where you come from. Always be on the lookout for mopeds passing and always use your turn signals! I never felt threatened at any point but I’d make sure to keep your doors locked but also be kind and spread some wealth to some of the hungry people. There’s a really nice beach at Bouznika just north of Casablanca, you can rent chairs and an umbrella for 30 dirham there and make sure to grab a freshly caught fish fry meal for lunch! Also it’s definitely worth the drive to el Jadida south of Casablanca but don’t overpay at the shops. Morocco is an amazing place to visit, have a great trip there!!
Casablanca is great but need to be very vigilant
sqala restaurant,,,moroco mall.
Went on a tour through Marocco. Roads are in general OK, main highways with toll good.