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Car rental Knock airport

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Popular destinations: Dublin, Shannon, Cork, Knock, Kerry County, Donegal, Belfast, Sligo
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Cheap Car Rental Knock airport

Cheap Car Rental Knock airport

Discover flexible rentals in Knock airport

At HolidayCars.com, we compare all rental cars of the highest quality. Whether you need a small car, family car or luxury SUV—or something more extravagant and sporty—we’ll provide the vehicle most appropriate to your needs from our list of reputable rental companies.

Compare prices at HolidayCars.com

HolidayCars.com not only compares the availability of rental cars at Knock airport, but the prices as well. So you’ll never pay too much for car rental at Knock airport when you book with us. One tip: be sure to book car rentals well in advance, because prices are determined depending on supply and demand. The longer you wait, the more you will pay to book a car.

Safely book a car at Knock airport

HolidayCars.com works with 100% secure payment methods, so you can book your car safely. Besides, no credit card fees are charged and no reservation costs have to be paid. Even if you want to make a change to your booking, you can do this for free until 48 hours before pick up.

Popular car rental destination

Knock airport is a popular destination for people who want to book a car. Lots of our customers have already had great experiences with renting a car there. So don't hesitate to book your rental car at Knock airport. If you leave it too late, you will be paying more because availability is getting low.

Read all the terms about car rentals at Knock airport

Before you confirm your booking at Knock airport, always check all the terms of HolidayCars.com and the car rental company where you will pick up your car. This way, you are certain that no surprises will come up when picking up or returning the car. At some rental companies you pay additional charges for certain extras, at others you don't.

Add on extras for car rental in Knock airport

HolidayCars.com compares car rental prices and makes it easy to find the cheapest cars in your area. On our website you can also add on extras such as insurance or excess protection to your booking.

Plan your airport pickup in Knock airport

HolidayCars.com offers a safe and convenient way to book a car rental at Knock airport airport. With a wide selection of vehicles, we are able to provide you with the ideal package for your trip.

Tips and experiences for Knock airport

Our customers rated Knock airport with an average of 9.3 based on 6 ratings, and these are the most recent tips, experiences and highlights.

Ireland West is an airport where one gets personal service. A maximum of three aircraft at any one time can be handled and often only about twenty flights a day operate there. One major deficit is the reduced range of destinations during the winter season (end October to end March). The approach road to the airport has a large hoarding extolling the benefits of visting Bristol - but the next flight is nearly two months away, meaning a long wait! Although small, the airport has all of the essential facilities - except for airside toilets before passport control. Passengers coming off aeroplanes will have been denied WC facilities for twenty minutes or more and the changing from sitting to walking increases the propensity to urinate. Having to stand in line waiting for passport control whilst one's clothing gets damper is not a pleasant experience. Other airports do have facilities prior to passport control but Ireland West makes passengers wait until Baggage Reclaim.
Walk around during car yourself even though photos are emailed just for peace of mind. Other than that very good service both collecting and returning vehicle.
This was my 10th time to Ireland but first time flying into Knock. Flying into Knock gave me more holidaying time. Instead of spending my first day driving west I was at my destination in an hour and a half, 5 hours on a train on 4 hours driving. I didn't have to navigate in busy city traffic after my flight. I arrived relaxed.
Return the car before 11am on return date
Travelled from Knock to Donegal - N17 & N15 - beautiful part of the world
Knock airport is wonderful to arrive at, it is still very small, no waiting pr miles to walk for passport control. Operatives at airport are still of the kind that put the customers safety and comfort first and foremost.