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Car rental Avalon airport

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Cheap Car Rental Avalon airport

Cheap Car Rental Avalon airport

Discover flexible rentals in Avalon airport

At HolidayCars.com, we compare all rental cars of the highest quality. Whether you need a small car, family car or luxury SUV—or something more extravagant and sporty—we’ll provide the vehicle most appropriate to your needs from our list of reputable rental companies.

Enjoy low prices for car rental in Avalon airport

At HolidayCars.com we bring together thousands of car rental companies and hundreds of thousands of cars to make it easy to find the right car at the best price in just a few clicks.

No hidden costs at HolidayCars.com

When you book your rental car at Avalon airport with us, you won't be surprised by any hidden costs. At HolidayCars.com you don't pay any reservation costs or credit card fees. Did you change your mind or make a mistake? You can amend your reservation for free until 48 hours before pickup.

Low cost car rental in Avalon airport

Whether you're going on a family holiday, embarking on a business trip or just fancy exploring some of the country's most scenic locations, HolidayCars has a range of car rental deals to suit your needs and budget.

Need help hiring a car?

When you are looking for a car in Avalon airport, you might have some specific questions. Please feel free to contact our support team. They can help you to choose the right rental car and any insurance add-ons. You can contact HolidayCars.com by telephone or e-mail. When you have booked your car and need direct assistance while you are at your destination, call the emergency number on your voucher.

Trusted car rental in Avalon airport

Whether you're looking for a car rental company with the best rates, or prefer to rent a car on an hourly basis, HolidayCars.com compares hundreds of car rentals to find flexible options and the best rates.

Plan your airport pickup in Avalon airport

HolidayCars.com offers a safe and convenient way to book a car rental at Avalon airport airport. With a wide selection of vehicles, we are able to provide you with the ideal package for your trip.

Tips and experiences for Avalon airport

Our customers rated Avalon airport with an average of 8.5 based on 4 ratings, and these are the most recent tips, experiences and highlights.

Very easy to park and access at Avalon Airport. Parking is very close to the terminal so much easier with kids and luggage than Tullamarine. Highly recommend the wineries around the Bellarine peninsula and the beaches along the coast. If you are going further down the coast in and around Torquay, can highly recommend Ole Restaurant. One of the best Mexican places we've been to. The Great Ocean Road drive is also amazing but does take a fairly long time.
local licence holders need to have a copy of a utility bill when picking up the car
We were only there briefly. Transport to and from was easy, the airport had everything needed.
1. Plan in advance 2. Bring everything required as per the plan 3. Arrange the accomodation well in advance 4. Know the famous places to visit at the destination 5. Keep cool and drive 6. Spent sufficient time at the spots